Matthias Grünewald
The Snow Miracle: Founding of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome/Adoration of the Magi (right half), 1519
About the object
According to legend, fresh snow in August 352 marked the spot where the Pope built the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore after a vision of Mary during the night. This panel is the right wing of the Our Lady of the Snow altarpiece from the collegiate church in Aschaffenburg. A representation of Mary, now situated in Stuppach, is thought to adorn the centre section of the altar.
Adoration of the Magi (right half)
When the wings of Our Lady of the Snow altarpiece in Aschaf-fenburg, which were originally fixed, were altered to make them revolving, their backs also needed to be adorned. They became visible when the altar was closed. An unknown painter was commissioned to paint the scene featuring the adoration of baby Jesus by the Magi.
Adoration of the Magi (right half)
When the wings of Our Lady of the Snow altarpiece in Aschaf-fenburg, which were originally fixed, were altered to make them revolving, their backs also needed to be adorned. They became visible when the altar was closed. An unknown painter was commissioned to paint the scene featuring the adoration of baby Jesus by the Magi.