Flag | Frankaa
Appliquéd Battalion Flag Asafo: "When the cat is dead, the mice are happy ", 1930 - 1985
About the object
“If the cat is dead, the mice will rejoice,” or “the mice are still afraid, even of a dead cat.” – It is not difficult to identify the European fort in the middle of the flag, over which mice are scurrying. A cat lying on its back beneath it is a metaphor for its death. Mice are actually used as a symbol to belittle rivals. If the motif is interpreted in accordance with the first proverb, then the mice on this flag play an active part. They have seized the fortress and the cat, a superior, powerful foe, lies lifeless on the ground. The affixed proverb “COME. AND. TRY” can be understood as a rallying call to its own company to conquer the fort. However, it can also be understood as a warning to the enemy, namely that they may share the fate of the cat. If one interprets the motif using the second proverb, then the mice are the fearful and mocked enemies themselves. The fort suggests the presence of Europeans. The appliquéd proverb further bolsters the flag’s provocative message insofar as it challenges the “timid mice” to venture forth from their fort and to face the company bearing the flag. Author: Doris Kubisch
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Asafo is usually translated as "soldiers" or "army", but the word also encompasses military power per se. The Fante people refer to the individual company as atsikuw or atsikuw, but the English word "company" is more common. Asafo companies are military organisations that still exist today in the small, traditional Fante states alongside Ghana's national army. Asafo companies can be traced back to the 16th century in the journals of European travellers, traders and soldiers. Whether and in what form the warrior organisations existed at an earlier date is not known - there are no written or oral records. Crucial to their present form and structure was the influence exerted on them by Europeans from the 17th century onwards. They developed many of the features that still characterise Aasafo companies today: European technologies were adopted as well as military pomp, e.g. roll calls to salute the colours, gun salutes and colourful uniforms. The Europeans used their superiority and the disputes between the companies to form efficient units out of the Asafo warriors of the Fante people, which they could use for their own ends and against enemies in the interior in the event of war. Following the European model, a system developed with many formal and informal offices and dignitaries within a company. Despite many shared features, the organisation and structure of the Asafo companies were characterised by regional differences and their dealings with each other were marked by rivalry and conflict. The companies distinguished themselves from one another by emphasising different emblems, colours and symbols. However, in the event of war against an external enemy, the individual companies banded together as one army. Membership of an Asafo company is inherited from one's father. Every child belongs to its father's Asafo company from birth. This is in contrast to the other social institutions of the Fante, such as the matrilineal organisation of the clan. The companies provide thus a stable counterweight here. Above all, it is the very way they are composed that renders the Asafo company an important democratic element in politics and society. Whether a fisherman or son of the village chieftain, everyone is a member. The leaders are elected and do not inherit their positions. Dangerous battles between Asafo companies or defensive wars against an external enemy no longer exist. The Asafo companies have largely lost their military character. Especially in the cities, they are more like clubs with social and political objectives. They provide a meeting place for young people, have a say in traditional political committees, help with community projects and go on parade at festivities. Today, the important role of the flag finds expression in the spectacular flag dances that re-enact dangerous battle scenes and victorious skirmishes. Today, the Asafo companies are particularly active in various Fante festivals. During the Akwambo festival, the Asafo companies guard the paths and routes to the main shrines, which are located outside the city. Priests and priestesses then perform rituals for the gods worshipped there. The rest of the day is spent with colourful performances, parodies, processions in colourful, imaginative uniforms and exuberant flag dances. The central squares are crowded with spectators and participants in the Asafo extravaganza. Author: Doris Kubisch, Translation: Timothy Connell