Johann Baptist Kirner

Young Black Forest woman, listening (with sewing box and blouse), vor 1846

About the object

Kirner prepared the individual figures in the painting Die Kartenschlägerin (The Fortune-Teller) with great care in terms of posture and apparel. He approached the representation of the eavesdropper behind the wall in a series of three drawings. Unnoticed, she follows the fortune-teller's reading - only the viewer catches her in the act.

Object information


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Ausstellungskatalog: Johann Baptist Kirner. Erzähltes Leben. hrsg. von Adila Garbanzo León, Felix Reuße und Tilmann von Stockhausen. Petersberg 2021, S. 118-121, 14.
Carina Mahlbacher: Johann Baptist Kirner 1806-1866. Badischer Hofmaler. (Diss.). Lahr/Schwarzwald 1983, S. 284, 527.

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