1887 - 1919
About the object
The woman in this photograph is seated in John Davis’ studio in Matafele, Apia. She appears to be of mixed Sāmoan and European heritage, which is reflected in her attire. She is dressed in a colonial style dress paired with customary Sāmoan accessories, such as a pale and an ‘ulafala. Her lower body is wrapped in a siapo mamanu from the waist down and she is holding a bouquet of flowers in her right hand, perhaps to indicate that she is a bride. The woman resembles Josephine "Sose" Yandall Rasmussen Hunkin, sister-in-law of New Zealand photographer, Alfred James Tattersall.
Author: Charlotte Klinge, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Author: Charlotte Klinge, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa