Gottlieb Theodor Hase

The architect Georg Jakob Schneider, um 1860

About the object

Schneider (1809 - 1883) was a student and employee of the architect Friedrich Eisenlohr. From 1842 he worked in Freiburg as a teacher at the trade school and as an architect. His most famous building in Freiburg is the Colombischlössle. The synagogue built according to his plans in 1871 was destroyed in 1938. Schneider had the nickname "Berliner Blau" (Prussian Blue) for the "Ponte Molle".

Object information


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Krieg, Heinz; Regnath, R. Johanna; Schwendemann, Heinrich; Widmann, Hans-Peter; Zumbrink, Stephanie: Auf Jahr und Tag. Leben in Freiburg in der Neuzeit, Band 5. Freiburg 2019, S. 219 Seiten.

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