Karl Dürr (1854 - 1919)
Karl Dürr was born in Rastatt on the 26. of February 1854. He began his career in the 4th Baden Infantry Regiment in 1870 and later joined the Infantry Regiment No. 113. In 1898 he became commander of the 3rd Naval Battalion in Tsingtau (now Qingdao) of the former German colony of Kiautschou in China. Dürr also served as deputy governor in Tsingtau until 1900. He moved to Kiel upon his promotion to the rank of lieutenant colonel and deputy inspector of the naval infantry.
In 1904, Dürr travelled with the command of the Naval Expeditionary Corps to the protectorate in German South West Africa (present-day Namibia). Its mission was to support the military campaign against the insurgent local population. However, he left Africa after a month due to health issues. He returned to Germany as adjutant of the Grand Duke of Baden, finally Major General and Adjutant General. Dürr died on 6 September 1919 in Baden-Baden.
Karl Dürr was asked by the museum's founders to acquire objects from the German concessionary territory in China. Dürr agreed to this. There is no documentary evidence relating to how Dürr acquired the objects.