Kapitän Johannes Heldt (1858 - 1925)

Sammler, Gatherer public


Johannes Christian Eiler Heldt was born on 16 September 1858 in Aabenraa, Denmark. He married Anna Bertha Bielefeld in Flensburg in 1886. Around 1890, Johannes Christian Eiler Heldt moved to Hamburg with his family where he worked as ship captain for the Woermann Line. The Woermann Line predominantly imported palm oil, ivory and rubber from the German colonies in Africa. The German Empire exported alcohol and industrially-produced bulk goods in return. The Woermann ships also acted as a postal service and as passenger liners. By 1900, the majority of the Woermann Line’s custom came from the German Society for the Settlement of South West Africa. Later on, the Colonial Department of the Foreign Office also became a contracting party. After his time as a captain, Heldt worked as a shipping company inspector. Johannes Christian Eiler Heldt died on 15 February 1925. The Freiburg Museum purchased over three hundred artefacts from Captain Heldt between 1899 and 1903. They had most likely been acquired in African port settlements during laytime.

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