Ludwig Kaiser (1862 - 1906)

Gatherer public, Sammler


Ludwig Kaiser was born on 21 May 1862 in Obergebisbach, South Baden. He completed his training in business with the company Berberich & Co. in Säckingen (1877–1880) and in the ensuing years worked for various commercial enterprises in South Western German (1881–1889), as well as in Cologne (1889–1893). He emigrated to the USA in 1893 where he worked in Chicago. From March 1895, he was secretary for the imperial consulate in Sydney and from 1897, worked as a “Hülfsschreiber” at the consulate general in Australia. In addition to this, he worked for the Jaluit Society. In 1899, he was promoted to the position of district commissioner of Nauru, a post he held until 1905. Kaiser then served between 1903 and 1906 as the deputy imperial governor of Jaluit alongside Eugen Brandeis, whom Kaiser subsequently succeeded to become administrator in chief of Jaluit. Commissioned by Eugen Brandeis, Ludwig Kaiser acquired some sixty Nauru artefacts for the Brandeis Collection. During a trip home in 1905, he visited the Freiburg Museum and was influential in the museum’s commissioning of Nauru Warrior figurines by the sculptor August Müßle. Kaiser took his life on Jaluit on 27 May 1905.

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