Johann Baptist Kirner

Italian peasants at prayer in front of a wayside shrine, vor 1834

About the object

Kirner made numerous preparatory studies for the painting Italienische Wallfahrer (Italian Pilgrims). The sketches illustrate how Kirner developed the composition and the figures incrementally. The posture and clothing of some of the individuals on this particular sheet bear a strong resemblance to the figures in the painting - such as the figure of the kneeling woman in the foreground with her back toward us.

Object information


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Ausstellungskatalog: Johann Baptist Kirner. Erzähltes Leben. hrsg. von Adila Garbanzo León, Felix Reuße und Tilmann von Stockhausen. Petersberg 2021, S. 152-157, 24.1.
Carina Mahlbacher: Johann Baptist Kirner 1806-1866. Badischer Hofmaler. (Diss.). Lahr/Schwarzwald 1983, S. 152-157, 24.1.

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