Johann Martin Morat

um 1830

About the object

The multi-storey Collegium Borromaeum with its white, plastered facade, is visible on the outskirts of the city on the left, whereas on the right, below the Martinstor, we see the pale yellow complex of the entire Karlskaserne from that time. The horseshoe-shaped Clinicum from 1829 (destroyed in 1944) is located on the main Habsburger Straße.

Object information


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Morat, Johann Martin; Reuße, Felix: Blauer Himmel über Baden. Ortsansichten des 19. Jahrhunderts von Johann Martin Morat. Ostfiltern 2019, S. 176 Seiten.
Schefold, Max: Alte Ansichten aus Baden /. Weißenhorn 1971, S. 729 S, 23308.
. In: Friburgum : Ansichten einer Stadt; Bock, Sybille, Barceló, Núria. Waldkirch , 79.
. In: Mein Heimatland. 1918 ?.
Kanka, Adalbert: Johann Martin Morat. , S. S. 51.
Ausst. Kat. Freiburg 1995. .

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