Johann Baptist Kirner
A Baden irregular with his two orderlies, 1849
About the object
Johann Baptist Kirner often portrays scenes from popular life in his paintings. The political unrest of 1848/49 provided the painter with the inspiration for four paintings. This portrayal of a franc-tireur (French mercenary) with his orderlies refers to the Baden Revolution.
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Ausstellungskatalog: Johann Baptist Kirner. Erzähltes Leben. hrsg. von Adila Garbanzo León, Felix Reuße und Tilmann von Stockhausen. Petersberg 2021, S. 220-223, 46.
Staeb, Guido: Zum 150. Todestag des Großherzoglichen Hofmalers Johann Baptist Kirner. In: Badische Zeitung; 2016,3. Freiburg 2016, S. S. 338 - 494, links.
Carina Mahlbacher: Johann Baptist Kirner 1806-1866. Badischer Hofmaler. (Diss.). Lahr/Schwarzwald 1983, S. 170, 48.