Johann Baptist Kirner

Italian peasants at prayer in front of a wayside shrine near Cervara, 1834

About the object

The composition and colouring of the sketch in oils for the painting Italienische Wallfahrer (Italian Pilgrims) corresponds very closely to the final painting. Despite working in a small-format, Kirner succeeds here in capturing all the important information regarding colour and formal detail. The addition of the date, which Kirner scratched into the wet paint with the stem of the paintbrush, is an unusual touch for a sketch in oils.

Object information


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Ausstellungskatalog: Johann Baptist Kirner. Erzähltes Leben. hrsg. von Adila Garbanzo León, Felix Reuße und Tilmann von Stockhausen. Petersberg 2021, S. 146-151, 23.2.
Carina Mahlbacher: Johann Baptist Kirner 1806-1866. Badischer Hofmaler. (Diss.). Lahr/Schwarzwald 1983, S. 217, 200.

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